Price comparison

With our price and product comparison services we help our visitors to make better purchase decisions. Monthly, we give around 70,000 advices to customers when it comes to purchasing a smartphone, tablet, wearable or monthly plan.

Comparing with Superpowers

Real-time, we compare over two million prices from all the big Dutch web shops. We are experts in the following areas:

It is very easy for users to search through the complete Dutch offer and filter the results on preferences like color, gigabytes, minutes, MBs and provider, but also on conditions like delivery time or web shop review.

“The average consumer can save up to 50 percent on his monthly phone costs by comparing via OnlySim”

In the comparison, the newest deals, special offers, extras and conditions are taken into account. This way, we can help consumers make the right decision and they don’t have to deal with fast changing prices, difficult propositions and loud marketing campaigns.

Making smarter purchase decisions

BigSpark continuously develops her price and product comparison services. By investing in our tooling we add to our ambition to help consumers to make smarter purchase decisions.

“Monthly, we generate over one million of revenue for our web shop partners”

Furthermore, our tools facilitate web shops to show their range of products to our millions of visitors and to realize revenue.

Contact us for all the possibilities and to be included in our product and price comparison tools.

Contact us

You can reach BigSpark during working hours by phone or via our contact form.

Call +31 (0)24 7370191 or go to contact →

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